Mihai Suster
Organizing Committee

Warsaw University
Mihai Suster
Mihai Suster holds a master’s degree and is currenty a PhD student at the Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw (UW). He has several years of experience in running a limited liability company and completed the Harvard Business School Online course “Management Essentials” funded by the Ministerial program “Best of the Best 4.0”.
Among his most important achievements, he counts coordinating a team of more than 40 people responsible for the campaign to 3D print visors for the health service during the first wave of COVID-19 in Poland. This initiative resulted in the free donation of 15,000 visors by the UW Physics Department to more than 200 medical facilities across Poland.
He is currently an employee of the National Laboratory of Photonics and Quantum Technologies (NLPQT), and previously served as a contractor in the NCBiR grant “Narrow-band photonic nanostructures for selective early cancer diagnosis” (EXODIAGNOS). He presented the results of his original research at prestigious international scientific conferences, where he gave 5 presentations and presented 2 posters. He also received a bronze medal in the overall classification of The University Physics Competition 2019 international Olympiad.