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Maciej Trusiak

Warsaw University of Technology


Program Committee

Maciej Trusiak is an Associate Professor at the Institute of Micromechanics and Photonics at Warsaw University of Technology. He received his B.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D. in Photonics Engineering from the Warsaw University of Technology in 2011, 2012, and 2017, respectively. He then conducted a year-long postdoctoral research in the Optoelectronic Image Processing Group headed by Prof. Javier García in the University of Valencia, Spain. In 2022 he received the habilitation degree and started his Quantitative Computational Imaging Lab ( working in computational imaging, optical metrology, interferometry, quantitative phase microscopy, lensless coherent imaging, and fringe pattern analysis. In 2023 he received the ERC Starting Grant focusing at novel concept of lensless label-free nanoscopy. He actively engages in optical community as, e.g., SPIE Award Committee member, chair of Interferometry Conference at SPIE Optics+Photonics Congress, associate editor at Optics and Lasers in Engineering journal, editorial board member of IOP JPhys: Photonics, and reviewer for various high-impact journals.