Jörg Enderlein

Program Committee
More: https://www.joerg-enderlein.de
III. Institute of Physics – Biophysics, Georg-August-University
Friedrich-Hund-Platz 1, D-37077 Göttingen, Germany
Academic Background
1981-86 Study of Physics at Ilya-Mechnikov-University Odessa (USSR)
1991 PhD in Physical Chemistry, summa cum laude (Humboldt-University Berlin)
2000 Habilitation in Physical Chemistry (University of Regensburg)
Professional Career
1991-96 Researcher at PicoQuant GmbH (Berlin)
1996-97 Postdoc at Los Alamos National Laboratory (USA)
1997-2000 Assistant Professor (C1) at University of Regensburg
2001-2006 Heisenberg Fellow and group leader at the Research Center Jülich
2007-2008 Full Professor for Biophysical Chemistry at Eberhard Karls University Tübingen
Since 2008 Full Professor for Biophysics at Georg August University Göttingen
Major Research Interests
Single molecule fluorescence spectroscopy, superresolution fluorescence microscopy, protein conformational dynamics and folding, structural biology, nano-optics, plasmonics
Grants and Awards
1996-1997 Fellowship of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
2001-2006 Heisenberg Fellowship of the German Research Foundation (DFG)
Institutional Responsibilities and Scientific Leadership
2010-2020 Director of the III. Institute of Physics – Biophysics
2010-2020 Speaker of the GGNB graduate school “Physics of biological and complex systems”
2019-2020 Dean of the Faculty of Physics
since 2021 Editor-in Chief of Biophysical Reports of the Biophysical Society
German Physical Society
German Biophysical Society
Biophysical Society
Ten selected publications
- Thiele, J.C.; Jungblut, M.; Helmerich, D.A.; Tsukanov, R.; Chizhik, A.; Chizhik, A.I.; Schnermann, M.J.; Sauer, M.; Nevskyi, O.; Enderlein, J.
“Isotropic three-dimensional dual-color super-resolution microscopy with metal-induced energy transfer”
Science Advances 8, 2022, eabo2506. - Ghosh, A.; Chizhik, A. I.; Karedla, N.; Enderlein, J.
“Graphene-and metal-induced energy transfer for single-molecule imaging and live-cell nanoscopy with (sub)-nanometer axial resolution”
Nature Protocols 16, 2021, 3695–3715. - Qin, S.; Isbaner, S.; Gregor, I.; Enderlein, J.
“Doubling the resolution of a confocal spinning-disk microscope using image scanning microscopy”
Nature Protocols 16, 2021, 164-181. - Ghosh, A.; Sharma, A.; Chizhik, A. I.; Isbaner, S.; Ruhlandt, D.; Tsukanov, R.; Gregor, I.; Karedla, N.; Enderlein, J.
“Graphene-Based Metal-Induced Energy Transfer for Sub-Nanometre Optical Localization”
Nature Photonics 13, 2019, 860–865. - Gregor, I.; Spiecker, M.; Petrovsky, R.; Großhans, J.; Ros, R.; Enderlein, J.
“Rapid nonlinear image scanning microscopy”
Nature Methods 14, 2017, 1087-1089. - Niehörster, T.; Löschberger, A.; Gregor, I.; Krämer, B.; Rahn, H.-J.; Patting, M.; Koberling, F.; Enderlein, J.; Sauer. M.
“Multi-target spectrally resolved fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy”
Nature Methods 13, 2016, 257-262. - Chizhik, A.I., Rother, J., Gregor, I., Janshoff, A.; Enderlein, J.
“Metal-induced energy transfer for live cell nanoscopy”
Nature Photonics 8, 2014, 124-127. - Schulz, O.; Pieper, C.; Clever, M.; Pfaff, J.; Ruhlandt, A.; Kehlenbach, R.H.; Wouters, F.S.; Großhans, J.; Bunt, G.; Enderlein, J.
“Resolution doubling in fluorescence microscopy with Confocal Spinning-Disk Image Scanning Microscopy”
Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 110, 2013, 21000-21005. - Müller, C.B.; Enderlein J.
“Image scanning microscopy”
Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 2010, 198101. - Dertinger T., Colyer R.; Iyer G.; Weiss. S.; Enderlein J.
“Fast, background-free, 3D superresolution optical fluctuation imaging (SOFI)”
Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 106, 2009, 22287–22292.